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Reflections in lockdown – reviewed in 2023

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reflections in lockdown

Reflections in lockdown

It was raining, I enjoyed my extended lazy morning in bed. Tried to seal the lips of my heart and shut my eyes to the rising sun. There went another plan into the world of slumber.

There comes a point when the world pauses to awaken our senses and forces us to take notice. Should we wait for that pause or pause before the wait makes us weigh our choices?

The walk exhausted me, party wrecked my wardrobe, relatives suggested plans…I went from one vague goal to another. Unknown barriers capsized my plans, known barriers without strategies derailed my path to my goal.

Lockdown gave me time (no excuse) to make a detailed plan. I started by asking myself what I wanted to change and why. I came up with five targets: to reduce weight, reconnect with people, be a librocubicularist (a fancy word for a very common habit – a person who reads in bed), work on my spiritual health, challenge myself in mathematics. Then I valued its importance at a personal level. Weight loss scored the most points, it not only because it affected my looks, wardrobe and emotions but my health as well which I had taken for granted.  My BMI gave me the indication to reduce my weight by five kilos.  Please don’t wonder why I fuss over five 5kg. I am petite and I watched five become seven but that seven just won’t become six easily.

The barriers are the gates between hoping and achieving and mine where: left overs, stress, lack of time, rain, movies, hunger, temptations, parties, cultural reasons, lack of motivation, shopping on an empty stomach, an expensive gym, self-consciousness with group sessions – I kept digging. It made me emotional – so many things I can’t help but I made strategies for the ones I could like shopping after a proper breakfast, eating slowly and eating wisely in parties, keeping an eye on portions etc. Now comes the most important aspect of a contract with self; when can I deliver the contract? I had to divide my goal into achievable small chunks and give myself a realistic timeframe. Mine is 600 grams in half a month. Whatever plan you make should be such that it’s flexible enough to make adaptive changes yet achievable enough to enable you to remain committed.

Longer goals need to be reviewed regularly and that’s my personal weakness, hence I try to keep smaller goals. When I talk to friends and family about my goal, its helps that not only am I making them aware not to buy me big cakes for celebrations, but they give ideas and at times even check up on my achievement.

I am aware of the need to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg, I enjoy keeping myself hydrated throughout the day, I cherish my limited and filling carbs and core exercises are healing my back pain. Keeping my goals SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, has helped me to be efficient.

Now I enjoy the early morning walk and the greetings of so many faces who were non-existent before.  Rain, rain go away! or I have to hit strategy B? exercising indoors! – visit our Be Active page for ideas!

Jubee Matthews
Health Advisor