Regular physical activity benefits all ages and stages of life. All movement is beneficial and the more the better! We have lots of great activities for all ages on our Get Active page. For older people, being active is important to help maintain muscle strength and reduce the risk of falls.

Cutting back on the amount of alcohol that you consume can help improve your health and wellbeing. It can also help to improve your energy levels as well as helping with weight loss and to save money.

Our Eat Better page has details of what we can all do to make sure we have a healthy, balanced diet. Find out about healthy recipes to try, helpful apps and our Cook & Eat programme.

If you smoke then the single best thing you can do for your health is to stop smoking. We know this can be a very difficult habit to break which is why there is a wide range of different support available to help you to go smokefree.
If you live, work or are registered with a GP in Merton, you can access further services and self-care tools.