There are lost of different activities available for all ages and abilities across the London Borough of Merton to help you to be more active.
If you would like to speak to a health advisor about support to do more physical activity then you can call us on

The London Borough of Merton has launched a new Activity Finder to help residents find healthy activities and sports clubs, as it continues its journey to become London’s Borough of Sport. The Activity Finder website is designed to make it easier for anyone looking to take up a new sport or activity in their area by bringing all our local clubs and organisations together into one easy-to-navigate website.

Being active is important to our health and wellbeing as it’s good for our bodies and also good for our mental health. If your not sure how you can start to be more active try downloading the Active 10 app on this page which measures how much brisk walking you are doing.

Regular physical activity can help maintain or enhance mental health, immune response, physical health and weight management. Try to be as active as you can as often as you can, depending on your life circumstances.

Try to be active at least once a day and remember that something is always better than nothing. The important thing is to find some form of physical activity that you enjoy and try to increase the activity you do at your own pace as although some is good, more is better.

An NHS exercise app that anyone can use! Being active outdoors can offer a welcome change of scene. If you’re not used to exercise even a brisk 10-minute walk can have significant health benefits. Download the Active 10 app to find out how much brisk walking you are doing and how you could build more exercise into your day.

You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership to keep active. The important thing is to try and do some kind of activity every day, even if this is just going for a short walk. By building activity into your day you should also find it easier to keep active throughout the day as well.

Regular physical activity has many benefits including improved sleep, improved energy levels and a reduced risk of illnesses such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression.

NHS exercise tips include reducing long periods of not moving at all, particularly when you are online or working from home. Take regular breaks from the screen and move around your home and walk up and down the stairs if you have them. If working from home, leaving the house for a walk at lunch time for a change of scene and some fresh air can be very beneficial.

An excellent NHS exercise app, which is very popular! If you’ve never tried running try Couch to 5K which takes you step by step through a 9-week course and before you know it you’ll be running 5K! The Couch to 5K programme is very gradual and encourages you to get active at your own pace. You can choose from a number of celebrity’s who will guide you through the course and you can even listen to your own music at the same time! Download the Couch to 5K app today!

Being active is important, but it’s also equally important to look after your mental health. Use the Every Mind Matters ‘Mind Plan’ tool to find simple tips to look after your mental health.