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Family meal planning – reviewed 2022

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Family meal planning

Family meal planning

Family meal planning

During these unprecedented times it is overwhelming for everyone; no schools open, social distancing, self-isolation, limited stock on the supermarket shelves and financial constraints.  Now more than ever planning meals can be a great help.

Tips & Alternatives for planning meals:

– For foods that come in large quantities e.g. chicken fillets individually pack and freeze them allowing you to defrost as and when you need.

– Make a shopping list and make a meal plan ahead so you can avoid wasting any food

– If there are no chopped tomatoes available- use tomato puree/tinned plum tomatoes or tomato passata

– If you can’t get hold of tinned or fresh pulses buy dried pulses, soak them for a few hours and cook

– Eggs may be out of stock depending what you use them for. Use milk and flour to make pancakes without eggs, or try scrambled tofu as a replacement for scrambled eggs

– Canned tuna – try other canned fish e.g. salmon, mackerel, sardines

– As well as frozen vegetables and frozen fruit use fresh fruit and vegetables, canned fruit in juice, dried fruit & canned vegetables

– If pasta and rice are not on the shelves, try other grains such as bulgar wheat, couscous, quinoa, noodles, spaghetti

– If milk is low, try plant-based milks ensure they are fortified or long-life milk

– Make a large casserole/stew where you can have a one pot meal, use for the next few days and even freeze. Also use up leftovers and add into next day meals e.g. wraps

For information on eating a healthy, balanced diet visit our Eat Well page.

There are also lots of great recipes for all the family on the  NHS Healthier Families page

Useful link

The Association of UK Dietitians